Wikimania Posters
All posters on Wikimedia Commons.
Posters are here to help you share your project and recruit new volunteers at Wikimania 2016 - and beyond! These posters will be printed at Wikimania 2016, and the designs can be re-used in the future at other events and locations. We hope seeing these will help showcase the breadth of activity within Wikimedia - and hopefully even most community members will find something they've never heard of before!
This initiative is produced in collaboration with Wikimedia France and Wikimedia Italia, following an idea of Wikimania in London, 2014.

Posters are particularly aimed at highlighting less discoverable but successful projects, e.g:
- Active Wikiprojects: Wikiproject Medicine, WikiProject Video Games, Wikiproject Film
- Tech projects/Tools, which may be looking for either users or developers
- Less known major projects: Wikinews, Wikidata, Wikivoyage, etc.
- Wiki Loves Parliaments, Wiki Loves Monuments, Wiki Loves ____
- Educational, GLAM, Outreach initiatives
All you need to do is fill in the template below, we'll do the rest - they'll be ready and waiting for you at Wikimania 2016.
Call is already closed.
Your contact details | If we need any clarification about your project - won't go in the poster. |
Project name | |
Short description | 50 words. Must be intelligible to non-Wikimedians. |
Longer description | 150 words. Why should they help? How can they get involved? Should include key links. |
3 milestones | The 3 best things or key elements of this project |
Logo | (image from Commons, ideally in svg, if not at least 800px width by 500px height) |
Optional other image | (image from Commons) |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Your name (or username): who to contact for this project? |
Email contact | Email for primary contact/community manager/comms |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
Copy the template below, enter your request in a new section.
{{Poster request | Your contact details = | Project name = | Short description = | Longer description = | Milestone 1 = | Milestone 2 = | Milestone 3 = | Logo = <!-- only file name, without "[[File:]]" --> | Optional other image = <!-- only file name, without "[[File:]]" --> | Primary webpage URL = | Mailing list = | Your name = | Email contact = | IRC channel = | Facebook page = | Twitter handle = }}
Final result example
Some examples of how to present a project
Requests for Posters
Your contact details | User Samuele2002 talk page & |
Project name | Wikiversità |
Short description | Wikiversità è un progetto che ha lo scopo di creare e distribuire contenuti didattici e non rendendoli disponibili gratuitamente in modo da aiutare alunni docenti ma anche interessati a conoscere varie materia che vanno dalle canoniche come italiano, matetematica... a quelle non canoniche come scuola guida, chiunque può decidere di creare una nuova materia con delle lezioni anche se questa non è insegnata nelle scuole un esempio può essere la cucina e le varie ricette.
Wikiversity is a project that aims to create and distribute educational content — making it available for free to help teachers, students, and people interested in learning about subjects ranging from those as canonical as English, and Maths ... to those as non-canonical as how to drive. Anyone can decide to create a new subject with a class, even for subjects not taught in school like cookery! |
Longer description | Mentre offrire i testi in sé è compito di Wikisource (o, per la manualistica, di Wikibooks), la fruizione avviene in un contesto (percorso d'apprendimento) che rientra in un altro progetto: Wikiversità. Wikiversità nasce per offrire quell'approccio didattico, quindi progressivo, alle informazioni, che per esempio Wikipedia non può avere; il lettore ha la possibilità d'affrontare un argomento in base alle conoscenze di cui dispone.
In concreto, Wikiversità in italiano si è data una struttura che tiene conto dei programmi scolastici italiani, con materiali didattici suddivisi per materia e destinati alle scuole dell'infanzia, primarie e secondarie di primo e secondo grado; è possibile trovare rapidamente gli argomenti che interessano a uno studente di prima superiore che frequenti, per esempio, l'Istituto professionale alberghiero. In ogni pagina di Wikiversità è possibile inserire collegamenti puntuali ai testi su Wikisource, permettendo a un alunno o a un insegnante (o a un lettore qualsiasi) di disporre della bibliografia tematica per uno specifico livello d'apprendimento e di accedere ai testi con un solo clic. Inversamente, partendo da un testo di Wikisource (o anche cartaceo), per contestualizzarlo in senso didattico il luogo adatto è Wikiversità, che accoglie tutti quegli apparati (introduzione, commenti, spiegazioni, notizie sull'autore, approfondimenti e cosí via) che ne accompagnano la fruizione. Si può dire che i progetti Wikimedia in cui i testi e la biblioteca che li accoglie non vengano vissuti come strutture a sé stanti, ma siano integrati in modo capillare, quasi pagina per pagina, nei percorsi di conoscenza di ognuno di noi; Wikiversità, in particolare, permette di farlo con un approccio graduale in base al livello d'apprendimento. Cosí ogni libro, ben distinto nella sua individualità, concorre a formare quell'unico grande libro che prende forma, accessibile a tutti, nell'ipertesto e nella rete. Wikiversità è strutturata in modo che ogni risorsa (cioè che comprende dalle lezioni ai quiz dai programmi alle esercitazioni...) sia ospitata in una materia che a sua volta è contenuta in un corso e in un area che sono contenuti nei dipartimenti. Questa gerarchia permette agli utenti di trovare immediatamente quello che cercano senza dover stare ore a cercarlo tra tutte le pagine del sito. While offering the texts itself is Wikisource task (or, for the manuals, Wikibooks), the fruition occurs in a context (learning path) that is part of another project: Wikiversity. Wikiversity is designed to offer a progressive educational approach, that Wikipedia can not have; the reader has the possibility to address a subject based on their own knowledge. In practice, Wikiversity in Italian gives itself a structure that takes into account the Italian school curriculum, with learning materials divided by subject matter and designed for all schools. You can quickly find topics of interest to a ninth-grade student, for instance. In every Wikiversity page, you can link the texts on Wikisource, allowing a student or a teacher to access the thematic bibliography for a specific level of learning and access to the texts with one click. Equally, Wikiversity can be used to contextualize a Wikisource text in a didactic way, making use of pedagogical devices like introduction, comments, explanations, author news, analysis and so on. It can be said that the Wikimedia projects in which the texts and the library that receives them are not experienced as stand alone structures, but are embedded in a capillary way, almost page by page, in the paths of knowledge of each of us; Wikiversity, in particular, supports this with a gradual approach based on the level of learning. So each book, distinct in its individuality, contributes to form that one great book that takes form, accessible to all, in the hypertext and the network. Wikiversity is structured so that each resource ( that is, it comprises from lessons to the quiz from the exercises programs ... ) is housed in a subject which in turn is contained in a course and in an area that are contained in the departments. This hierarchy allows users to instantly find what they want without having to spend hours looking for it among all the site's pages. |
3 milestones |
Logo | [[File:![]() |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Samuele |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | #Telegram: connect |
Facebook page |à-986457981441161/ |
Twitter handle |
WikiProject Disability
Your contact details | en:User talk:Dodger67 |
Project name | WikiProject Disability |
Short description | Please reuse the 2014 Leaflet - - no content changes needed. |
Longer description | |
3 milestones |
Logo | [[File:|250x250px]] |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
Ningún municipio de España sin foto / No Spanish municipality without a photo
Your contact details | |
Project name | Ningún municipio de España sin foto / No Spanish municipality without a photo |
Short description | All municipalities deserve a place in the World. And a place in Commons too! When we found that more than 2,000 Spanish municipalities had no image in Commons, we decided to do something about it. |
Longer description | Many pictures are needed from places all around Spain. We need you to go and take those pictures. It could be the place you live, the place where you spend your holidays, even the place where you work. We have been able to add images of more than 500 places, but a lot more is still to be done.
You can begin by visiting our page where you will find which areas don’t yet have a picture on Commons. By going to take these pictures you can also enjoy Spain off the beaten track. You will boldly go to places where no Wikimedian has gone before! |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | B25es |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
Let's reduce the environmental impact of Wikipedia!
Your contact details | User:Gnom and User:Aubrey |
Project name | Let's reduce the environmental impact of Wikipedia! |
Short description | The environmental impact of Wikipedia is bigger than most people think. Let’s work together to reduce it and set an example for a sustainable Internet by using renewable energy for the Wikimedia Foundation’s data centres! |
Longer description | Running one of the most popular websites in the world, the Wikimedia movement has a significant carbon footprint: Today, only one of the Wikimedia Foundation's data centres is powered by renewable energy and 81% of Wikipedia's energy still comes from coal, gas, and nuclear power.
In 2015, Wikimedia received a "D" score in a report issued by Greenpeace, only passing because of its high energy transparency. Some commercial services such as Apple, Yahoo and Google scored far better. With our powerful brand, the Wikimedia movement can also show green leadership in the online sector even though it does not have a massive electricity load compared to other high-traffic sites like Google or Facebook. Please support this idea and share your thoughts on the “Environmental impact” page on Meta! |
3 milestones |
Logo | [[File:|250x250px]] |
Optional other image | ![]() |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Lukas Mezger and Andrea Zanni |
Email contact |; |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @lukasmezger; @aubreymcfato |
Your contact details | Hjfocs |
Project name | StrepHit |
Short description | StrepHit is an Individual Engagement Grant project: it enhances the data quality of Wikidata by suggesting references to validate statements, and will help Wikidata become the gold-standard hub of the Open Data landscape.
Longer description | StrepHit is a Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipeline that harvests structured data from raw text and produces Wikidata statements with reference URLs from reliable sources.
3 milestones |
Logo | [[File:![]() |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Marco Fossati |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @hjfocs |
Wiki Project Med Foundation
Your contact details | |
Project name | Wiki Project Med Foundation |
Short description | We strive to make clear, reliable, and comprehensive information on healthcare-related topics freely available to all people in the language of their choice |
Longer description | We are a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to promote the development of medical content on Wikimedia projects by, among other things, forming collaborations with other like-minded organizations, giving talks at universities and other organizations, and working to develop greater access for Wikipedians to the medical literature. While we are incorporated in New York State and tax exempt in the United States we are a global group. Our members seek to provide the sum of all medical knowledge to all people in their own language. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | ![]() |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | James Heilman |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
Your contact details | en:voy:User:Seagull123 or en:voy:User:LtPowers |
Project name | Wikivoyage |
Short description | For travellers, by travellers: a multilingual, web-based project working to create a free, complete, up-to-date, and reliable worldwide travel guide. |
Longer description | Wikivoyage was founded in the spirit of sharing knowledge... the same spirit that makes travel so enjoyable. Whenever travellers meet each other on the road, they swap info about the places they came from and ask questions about places they're going.
We want to make it easy to share that knowledge and let others share it; our copyleft license means that the facts you know can spread far and wide. Unlike traditional travel guide books, where everything is copyrighted and based on a single person's one-time visit, Wikivoyage is entirely open content and constantly updated with new information. All you need is Internet access to write and make changes to Wikivoyage articles, even (or especially) while you're travelling! Wikivoyage's largest language projects are English, German, and French, but we have 14 other languages, too. You can help them grow and become the go-to source for travel information for the world! |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Seagull123 or LtPowers |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page |, (ITA) |
Twitter handle | @wikivoyage |
Your contact details | Labaici |
Project name | WiBrugherio |
Short description | WiBrugherio is a GLAM it:project in collaboration with the municipality of Brugherio to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the city's foundation. |
Longer description | On December 9, 2016 Brugherio is celebrating the 150th anniversary of the city's foundation. In view of this anniversary, the City Council has launched a project to promote awareness of Brugherio and its history; increase the visibility of its architectural heritage to the local community, to visitors and to tourists; create a digital archive, using the materials already stored in the history section of the local public library and mobilizing citizens to donate their information; stimulate the participation of local people in Wiki Loves Monuments; and create a virtual tourist guide using Wikivoyage and OpenStreetMap. |
3 milestones |
Logo | [[File:![]() |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | Progetto WiBrugherio |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Labaici |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
What's in Wikipedia?
Your contact details | en:User:Smallbones |
Project name | What's in Wikipedia? |
Short description | This is not what you expect, but it may be very interesting. It is a poster showing what article topics are in the English-language Wikipedia |
Longer description | A sample of 1000 articles was classified to give info that is not otherwise easily available. It's part of a personal research project. Titles will be needed for the poster and a bit of explanation beneath the poster itself, but these will be easy. See webpage below. |
3 milestones |
Logo | [[File:|250x250px]] |
Optional other image | ![]() |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | User:Smallbones |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
Wiki Loves Africa
Your contact details | en:User:Anthere |
Project name | Wiki Loves Africa |
Short description | Wiki Loves Africa is an annual contest where people across Africa can contribute media (photographs, video and audio) about their environment to Wikimedia Commons for use on Wikipedia and other project websites of the Wikimedia Foundation. |
Longer description | Wiki Loves Africa particularly encourages participants to contribute media that illustrate a specific theme for that year. Each year the theme changes and could include any such universal, visually rich and culturally specific topics (for example, markets, rites of passage, festivals, public art, cuisine, natural history, urban living, daily life, notable persons, etc). Wiki Loves Africa is a two-month competition. The project is run across the entire continent. However, we also have a network of national organisers who run specific local activities, e.g. training and communications. In 2014 and 2015, many activities were organized in Tanzania, Ivory Coast, Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, Cameroon, Uganda, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, South Africa either by individuals or by Wikimedia Chapters and user groups. If you are interested in helping bridge the African Gap, join us for Wiki Loves Africa 2016 ! |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | Colors of africa.jpg |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Florence Devouard, Isla Haddow-Flood |
Email contact |; |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | wikilovesafrica |
Wiki Loves Africa
Your contact details | fr:User:Anthere |
Project name | Wiki Loves Africa |
Short description | Wiki Loves Africa est un concours imaginé pour partager la vie, l'environnement et les pratiques quotidiennes des africains avec tous les habitants de notre planète sur Wikipedia ou sur les autres sites de la Wikimedia Foundation. |
Longer description | Les participants au concours Wiki Loves Africa sont invités à fournir photos, vidéos ou enregistrements audios au project Wikimedia Commons, pour usage sur Wikipedia ou sur les autres sites de la Wikimedia Foundation. Le concours offre chaque année un thème différent avec pour objectif de couvrir un thème universel, visuellement riche et spécifique d’un point de vue culturel (avec par exemple des marchés, rites, festivals, art public, cuisine, histoire naturelle, urbanisme, vie quotidienne, célébrités etc. ). Wiki Loves Africa est un concours qui se déroule sur 2 mois complets, à l'automne. Le concours concerne la totalité du continent africain. Mais des actions spécifiques sont menées dans certains pays (formation, communication à la presse, chasses photos...) avec des organisateurs locaux. En 2014 et 2015, de nombreuses actions ont été organisées en Tanzanie, Côte d'Ivoire, Tunisie, Egypte, Algérie, Cameroun, Ouganda, Nigéria, Ethiopie, Ghana, Malawi, Afrique du Sud soit par des wikipédiens isolés, ou par des membres de Wikimedia Chapters et Wikimedia User groups. Si vous êtes intéressé-e et souhaitez aider à réduire le fossé africain, rejoignez nous pour le concours Wiki Loves Africa 2016 ! |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | Colors of africa.jpg |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Florence Devouard; Isla Haddow-Flood |
Email contact |; |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | wikilovesafrica |
Algerian Wikimedians UG AKA WikiDZ
Your contact details | fr:User:bachounda |
Project name | Algerian Wikimedians UG AKA WikiDZ |
Short description | Promote and raise awareness in Algeria of the many different projects of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Wikipedia is flowery field different color smell the whatever we want, wherever we want |
Longer description | The Wikimedia Algeria User Group is a local User Group of the Wikimedia Foundation. Its mission is to promote Wikimedia projects in Algeria. One of its core roles is to aid and encourage people to collect, develop and disseminate knowledge and other educational, cultural and historic content in the public domain or other licenses that allows everyone to freely use the knowledge, and to distribute and modify that content for free.
مجموعة مستخدمي ويكيميديا الجزائر هي مجموعة مستخدمين محلية لمؤسسة ويكيميديا. وتتمثل مهمتها في التعريف بمؤسسة ويكيميديا ومشاريعها في الجزائر. واحدة من مهامها الأساسية، هو لمساعدة وتشجيع الناس على جمع وتطوير ونشر المعرفة وغيرها من المحتوى التعليمي والثقافي والتاريخي في المجال العام أو التراخيص الأخرى التي تسمح للجميع باستخدام المعرفة بحرية وتوزيع وتعديل المحتوى دون مقابل. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | Algeria (orthographic projection).svg |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Mohammed BACHOUNDA |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @Wikimediadz |
Wikimedia Israel's education program
Your contact details | he:user:Shai-WMIL |
Project name | Wikimedia Israel's education program |
Short description | WMIL's education program involves hundreds of people: professors, teachers, students and volunteers who work in four languages across more than 20 academic courses and 25 classes of gifted students. Following its consistent success, the program is expected to grow significantly. We wish to outline the key reasons for its success. |
Longer description | Wikimedia Israel's education program is based on general principles that can be applied in any Wikimedia education project. The program also includes a variety of unique and inspiring program models, for example: academic courses dedicated entirely to Wikimedia projects, programs focused on deepening the connection of students to local communities and environments, and projects that encourage students to write about pioneering women. Our goal is to promote an international educational dialogue: We invite the participants of Wikimania 2016 to learn about our education program and share with us their knowledge about other education projects in the movement.
Here are some posts about our education program:
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | Be'er Sheva Educational Initiative.jpg ![]() |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Shai Katz |
Email contact | shai![]() |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @WikimediaIL ( |
Your contact details | |
Project name | |
Short description | is the website where you can translate free software projects into hundreds of languages with an easy interface in your web browser. is a community of over a thousand translators and dozens software developers. |
Longer description | Anyone with good grasp of their native language and understanding of English can participate: just sign up at the main page and start translating. There are new pieces of text to translate every day, so do check back regularly. No language is ever fully translated. In each project, you can start by reviewing existing translations to get a feel of the style and vocabulary.
When adding new projects, we make sure that they are free/open source software and that they have a robust community. Your translations will help millions of users and will forever enrich your language's speakers and software users. The people running the project have made translation as easy as possible. The translation interface has been re-done following designs by professional designer. Everything has been optimized for maximum speed without risking quality. The server is optimized to provide fast response times, the interface has keyboard shortcuts for quick access, context-relevant snippets, translation memory and and much information that helps to write the correct translation. Some projects at employ so called continuous integration/continuous translation. This means that translations are brought to the users in a matter of hours or days, rather than months or years as is common in other projects. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Niklas Laxström |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | #mediawiki-i18nconnect |
Facebook page | none |
Twitter handle | nikerabbit, translatewiki |
Your contact details | Saintfevrier |
Project name | Wikitherapy |
Short description | Most everyone has heard of art therapy, music therapy, drama therapy etc. and the role they play in facilitating personal growth and promoting mental health. What Wikitherapy aims to do is to help channel the creativity of individuals to the Wikimedia projects, to the same ends as therapy with the fine arts. The concept has been piloted successfully at a Mental Health Daycare Center for adults in Kefalonia, Greece. |
Longer description | The Wikitherapy program aims to bring the Wikimedia projects into therapy settings and enable patients to add value to the Wikimedia projects, with added benefits to their self-esteem by participating in the largest open knowledge movement in the world. The results so far are encouraging: our team proudly includes a passionate Wiktionary editor and a Wikiquote enthusiast, while we have also used teamwork to create and/or expand Wikipedia articles of local interest. It has been a rewarding experience and we believe it can be taken even further — our accomplishments are communicated frequently on Facebook and Twitter, don't hesitate to reach out to us if you want to learn more! |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Mina Theofilatou |
Email contact |, |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @wikitherapy1 |
Wikipedia Primary School
Wikipedia Primary School
Your contact details | User:Marta.pucciarelli |
Project name | Wikipedia Primary School |
Short description | Wikipedia Primary School: providing on Wikipedia the information necessary to complete the cycle of primary education in the languages used by the different education systems. This is a project allowing students, families and teachers to find on Wikipedia the documentation necessary to obtain the primary school qualification in their country. |
Longer description | Wikipedia is meant to be an educational tool and it is currently available online, via mobile phones and offline. Experience has shown that, once accessible, Wikipedia does not provide information that responds directly to curriculum-based questions. The project relies on Wikipedia as an existing and growing resource, it solves the need for an encyclopaedia capable of responding to curriculum-based questions, and it fosters Wikipedia content, quality and outreach.
Wikipedia Primary School contributes to universal primary education and to the Millennium Development Goals (MDG2: Achieve Universal Primary Education). Even if it is scalable and international, the project is conceived primarily to address African countries and languages. Article list: Wikipedia Scientific Journal: |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | File:Young girls reading - Government primary school in Amman, Jordan.jpg |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Iolanda Pensa (principal investigator), Marta Pucciarelli, , Florence Devouard, Erica Litrenta, Tobias Schonwetter, Isla Haddow-Flood, Theresa Hume, Douglas Ian Scott. SUPSI University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, University of Cape Town, Africa Centre, Wikimedia ZA, Wikimedia CH |
Email contact |;;;;;;; |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
Your contact details | User:Bodhisattwa |
Project name | OCR4Wikisource |
Short description | OCR4Wikisource is a python script which automates the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) process intended for Google-based OCR-supported language Wikisource projects. |
Longer description | OCR4Wikisource is a recently developed python script, created collaboratively by a team of volunteers from different Indic Wikisource communities, from the dire need to overcome the practical difficulties faced, while manually using Google OCR to proofreading books. The simple idea of automating the process was first placed in 2015 Community Wishlist Survey and also discussed in the First International Wikisource Conference, 2015 in Vienna. The script can download a djvu or pdf file from Commons, split them into individual pages based on the number of columns, upload the file to Google Drive for OCR, download the Google-OCRed text and upload the text to respective pages of the file, thus reducing the wastage of precious time and energy needed for manual work. On January, 2016, the script was tested in different Indic Wikisource projects and from then Tamil and Bengali Wikisource community is utlizing it to the fullest. This script can be a game-changer for all the Google-based OCR-supported language Wikisource projects which are struggling due to lack of good quality OCR. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | T Shrinivasan, Bodhisattwa Mandal, Ravishankar A., Jayanta Nath, Thagaval Uzhavan, Sibi, Omshivaprakash H L, Srikanth L, Kartik Mistry |
Email contact |,,,,,,,, |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
Wikipedia for Peace
Wikipedia for Peace
Your contact details | User:Shikeishu |
Project name | Wikipedia for Peace |
Short description | Wikipedia for Peace is an annual summer camp in Austria for writing and improving articles around topics of peace and justice. Participants come from many different countries and live a simple, sustainable lifestyle during the project. |
Longer description | Wikimedia community projects can contribute to social change by improving articles on socio-political issues. Wikipedia for Peace took place for the first time in 2015 in Vienna and is a collaboration between Wikimedia Austria and the global peace organisation Service Civil International (SCI). In 2016 the camp will take place from August 10-21 with the focus on "environmental justice". Get in touch with us, if you want to contribute to the project or set up a similar camp! |
3 milestones |
Logo | [[File:|250x250px]] |
Optional other image | Writing and editing articles.JPG |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Thomas Schallhart |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
Enhancing the transmission speed of Wikipedia knowledge by Machine Translation
Enhancing the transmission speed of Wikipedia knowledge by Machine Translation
Your contact details |; |
Project name | Enhancing the transmission speed of Wikipedia knowledge by Machine Translation |
Short description | Today, Wikipedia has massive amounts of information. How to quickly translate the information to different languages is a big challenge faced by Wikipedia editors. YeeCloud Machine Translation Engine, integrated with Content Translation Tool, can help editors publish content in different languages in an efficient manner. |
Longer description | Wikipedia knowledge available to a user is limited by the languages used to access it. Translation has been a common means to expand knowledge across languages in Wikipedia. YeeCloud is an integrated service ecosystem based on cloud computing and language big data that aims to provide smart language services to Internet users. YeeCloud Machine Translation Engine supports 32 languages and billions of corpora. It can be easily integrated with Wikipedia's Content Translation Tool and provide Machine Translation service to Internet users. Wikipedia developers are also able to use YeeCloud MT API freely. This can enhance the transmission speed of Wikipedia knowledge. Please visit for more information. |
3 milestones | |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | ![]() |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Allen |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @GTC_YeeCloud |
Initiative GLAM Côte d'Ivoire
=== Initiative GLAM Côte d'Ivoire ===
Your contact details | Wikimedia Community User Group Côte d'Ivoire |
Project name | Initiative GLAM Côte d'Ivoire |
Short description | Collaboration between GLAMs (Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums) and Ivorian wikimedians/pedians in order to build on Ivorian and African knowledge. |
Longer description | |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Donatien Kangah |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @wikimedia_CIV |
WikiProject Israel Palestine Collaboration
Your contact details | en:User talk:Oncenawhile |
Project name | WikiProject Israel Palestine Collaboration |
Short description | Known as the "world's most intractable conflict", much of the fighting has been over historical narratives. The two sides' histories hardly intertwine and respected scholars and journalists often disagree, presenting great challenges to wikipedia editors. |
Longer description | As the world's primary open source publication on the topic, our encyclopaedia has the opportunity to become the subject's most balanced reference point, with a truly bilateral narrative.
We would encourage anyone with an interest in the Middle East and a passion for neutrality to help. We can't guarantee that no-one will bite; long memories, deeply ingrained passions and a Mediterranean climate mean things can get hotheaded. But we promise that a persistent focus on clarity, neutrality and verifiability will leave contributors with the satisfaction of helping remove barriers between two peoples fact by fact, one at a time, perhaps equivalent to a "truth and reconciliation commission". Help us build a single encyclopaedic narrative, and mutual understanding and trust. |
3 milestones |
Logo | [[File:![]() |
Optional other image | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Primary webpage URL | en:WP:IPCOLL |
Mailing List | |
Your name | en:User talk:Oncenawhile |
Email contact | Note (1): 2014 leaflet at [1]
Note (2): The WikiProject was mentioned in a 2016 newspaper article written by Jimbo at [2] |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
Iranian Wikimedians User Group
Your contact details | User:Darafsh |
Project name | Iranian Wikimedians User Group |
Short description | The Iranian Wikimedians User Group will be an independent group of Wikimedians, which will serve as the regional affiliate for Iran. |
Longer description | Objectives and plans:
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | Nasir-al_molk_-1.jpg |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Darafsh |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | ##wikipedia-faconnect |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | |
Wiki loves Parliaments
Wiki Loves Parliaments
Your contact details | User:Olaf Kosinsky |
Project name | Wiki Loves Parliaments |
Short description | Already successfully implemented in German and Austria, Wiki Loves Parliaments is a project in which photographers and Wikipedians gather in government buildings to photograph officials and create Wikipedia pages for them. A second aim of the group is to promote a positive image of the Wikimedia movement in government. |
Longer description | Since 2009 Wikipedians have been visiting German and Austrian State Parliaments and the European Parliament to take photographs of their members. They have been made available under a free license on Wikimedia Commons ( They can be used in Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects but also outside of Wikipedia - in compliance with the license conditions - for example by the Members of Parliament themselves. 23 such projects have been organised to date with thousands of pictures having been taken. After being discussed in the conference of German State Parliament directors, every parliament invited Wikipedia to visit and we have recently begun to take video statements from officials. We would like to continue with this success and spread our activity to other countries. If you own a camera or love democracy and think that Wikipedia should have articles on the people that represent you then please join us! |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | ![]() |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Olaf Kosinsky |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @WikiParliaments |
WikiProject ESD
WikiProject ESD
Your contact details | User:Ainali |
Project name | WikiProject ESD |
Short description | This is a cross-project, cross-language Wikiproject for Education for Sustainable Development. It involves primarily Wikipedia, Wikibooks and Wikiversity (and of course Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata). |
Longer description | This project aims to cover the broad topic on a range of Wikimedia projects. In Wikipedia the most important articles in the topic will be improved. In Wikibooks, OER's, how-to's and guides will be created. In Wikiversity there will be courses and other resources for teachers and educators. Wikimedia Commons will support all these with relevant media. Wikidata will tie all the articles together, and also make relevant information machine readable. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | or |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Jan Ainali |
Email contact | jan![]() |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | ![]() |
Your contact details | Alex Stinson |
Project name | #1lib1ref |
Short description | #1lib1ref is a social media campaign first run on 15–23 January 2016. The campaign asked the libraries world to "Imagine a World where Every Librarian Added One More Reference to Wikipedia." The 2016 campaign generated 1500 edits and reached at least 15-20,000 people. |
Longer description | The #1lib1ref campaign engaged global librarians in a conversation about how their profession can help Wikipedia’s global audience. By creating targeted messaging for the libraries community alongside a clear calls to action – “Add a reference to Wikipedia” – the hashtag spread through dozens of language communities helping librarians understand better the opportunities for library communities to participate in Wikipedia.
Year one of the campaign was a successful pilot, but future campaigns require greater participations from local communities. We are looking for more organizers in more language communities and geographies to reach out to local library communities, and engage them on social media. Please learn more about the campaign at: If you are interested in being a program leader, please contact |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | The Wikipedia Library Team |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @WikiLibrary |
Your contact details | marcmiquel in Catalan Wikipedia |
Project name | wikiidentities |
Short description | Wikiidentities is a project to reflect how identities are key to editor engagement and Wikipedia's topical coverage |
Longer description | Unlike in most social network platforms, in Wikipedia editors are not encouraged to disclose personal traits, hobbies or affiliations. In fact, I think the identity issue has not been discussed enough. Since the project is dedicated to promote a common good, there is no content ownership, and the personal aspects become uncomfortable, or partly taboo. However, I believe that identity matters, in terms of building a Wikipedian reputation, and that editors' identities are tightly related to the content. As a Wikipedian, would you contribute equally if you couldn't choose the topics? |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | ![]() |
Primary webpage URL | (more content will be uploaded soon) |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Marc Miquel |
Email contact | marcmiquel at, david.laniado at |
IRC channel | #-connect |
Facebook page | - |
Twitter handle | @marcmiquel |
Wikipedia Education Program Turkey
Your contact details | |
Project name | Wikipedia Education Program Turkey |
Short description | This program seeks to improve the number and quality of articles in the Turkish Wikipedia by encouraging the students and educators in academic institutions of Turkey to contribute the Turkish language edition of Wikipedia through classroom assignments and other online or offline activities. |
Longer description | We would love to learn your experiences in organizing Wikipedia Education Programs in your area. Please let us hear your advises about how we could motivate the instructors and students to get involved or what are the most useful materials to develop wiki-writing skills of beginners.
Experienced Turkish-speaking editors are always welcome to join our Wikipedia trainers and we also look forward to welcoming translators to help us translate Wikipedia Education materials to Turkish. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | 480px-Kolaj-Wikipedia_Education_Program_Turkey.svg.png |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | User:Basak |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | ##wikimedia-trconnect |
Facebook page | /WikimediaTurkey |
Twitter handle | /WikimediaTurkey |
Wiki 4 Media Freedom
Wiki 4 Media Freedom
Your contact details |;; |
Project name | Wiki 4 Media Freedom |
Short description | Citizens' right to information is crucial for democratic societies and it must be defended even in Europe, where media and journalists face threats and censorship on a daily basis preventing dissemination of undesired news. Wiki4MediaFreedom stimulates the dissemination of knowledge on media freedom and pluralism in Europe through Wikipedia. Join us! |
Longer description | Wiki4MediaFreedom is a Glam initiative boosting the availability of accurate knowledge on media freedom and pluralism in Europe. It incites knowledge dissemination in Wikipedia, as a first point of reference for many citizens, on a crucial aspect for our societies and democracies.
The project builds on last year's work of the Wikipedian in Residence hosted by OBC within the ECPMF project, which created the series of Wikipedia articles on Media and Media Freedom in South East Europe based on the reports of different independent organisations as open-access and reliable sources. We welcome cooperation, original inputs and translations in languages other than English from people who are willing to contribute, learn and help disseminate relevant information on media freedom in Europe. An Edit-a-thon will be organized to connect with Wikipedians from many language versions. The Wiki4MediaFreedom team is willing to assist volunteers. Join us! |
3 milestones |
Logo | [[File:![]() |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Marzia Bona; Chiara Sighele |
Email contact |; |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | Wiki4MediaFreedom |
Your contact details | john.andersson![]() |
Project name | Wikispeech |
Short description | Wikispeech will make Wikipedia talk! An automatic text-to-speech solution integrated in MediaWiki let people struggling with reading Wikipedia access the information. Wikispeech will be scalable to all languages and crowdsourced, which mean that you can help to improve it in your language. |
Longer description | Wikispeech is a project that aims to develop a crowdsourced text-to-speech extension for MediaWiki. This will make the information on Wikipedia accessible to a greater audience, such as people with visual impairments, dyslexia, that are illiterate or that learn better from listening.
Initially a functioning solution for Swedish and English, and a working prototype for Arabic (to make sure that right-to-left languages also function properly), will be developed. With the help of interested parties and volunteers Wikispeech will be scalable to all language versions. You can contribute by correcting mispronunciations and with technical development. Through a pilot study we investigated what we need to develop and gathered a strong group of partners (with requests to join from half a dozen more universities and other organizations). To date external grants of around 450,000 USD have been secured for the development, mainly from the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority. |
3 milestones |
Logo | [[File:The designer can decide which one to use: |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | John Andersson |
Email contact | john.andersson![]() |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | #Wikispeech |
Twitter handle | #Wikispeech @WikimediaSE |
Your contact details | d:User:Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) |
Project name | Wikidata |
Short description | Please reuse the leaflet at |
Longer description | |
3 milestones |
Logo | [[File:|250x250px]] |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
Wiki Women TLV
Wiki Women TLV
Your contact details | Tsipi Erann, he:user:TMagen |
Project name | Wiki Women TLV |
Short description | Wiki Women TLV is an initiative aimed at closing the gender gap in the Hebrew Wikipedia and beyond. Since late 2014, we have offered activities such as lectures, training, edit-a-thons, online support and awareness-raising through social media. Our success is showing! |
Longer description | Wiki Women TLV has three main goals: Getting more women involved with editing Wikipedia, producing more content about women and women-related subjects, and eliminating gender bias in existing content.
Challenge Though our Facebook group includes hundreds of members, and all our events are fully booked, the challenge remained: How do we get editors to “stick”? Most participants do not edit beyond the events they attend. Solution Focusing on qualitative contribution rather than quantitative. Or – investing more in smaller numbers of participants. Today, we are offering full 3-session courses/workshops to teach editing skills, along with online support for participants by volunteers through Facebook. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | Wiki Women Editors Project - Opening Meeting (25).jpg
Wiki Women Guidance 04.JPG |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Tsipi Erann |
Email contact | tsipi.erann![]() |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
#15Challenge writing contest
#15Challenge writing contest
Your contact details | |
Project name | #15Challenge writing contest |
Short description | 15 days to create (at least) 15 biographies of notable African women |
Longer description | On the 15th of January 2016, Wikipedia celebrated its 15 year anniversary. However ... even after 15 years, content about Africa in general, and African women in particular, is still limited on the world's largest source of knowledge.
For this reason, the Wiki Loves Women team felt it was important to celebrate Wikipedia 15 by organising an online bilingual (English/French) writing contest #15Challenge Writing Contest to increase the number of notable African women that are covered on Wikipedia. The challenge was very successful, with 55 participants : 27 in English, 24 in French and 4 in Armenian. The contest resulted in the creation of 234 new biographies, 71 in English, 122 in French, and 41 in Armenien. The best article in English was about Malouma Mint El Meidah (Arabic: المعلومة منت الميداح, also simply Maalouma or Malouma; born October 1, 1960), a Mauritanian singer, songwriter and politician. The best article in French was about Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge, a South African politician (born 29 June 1952). Wiki Loves Women is a content liberation project related to Women in Africa. In 2016-2017, in collaboration with the Institut Goethe, the Wiki Loves Women project run in 4 countries, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Cameroon, and Nigeria. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | File:Colors of africa.jpg |
Primary webpage URL | and |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Florence Devouard (u:anthere); Isla Haddow-Flood |
Email contact |; |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | wikiloveswomen |
Concours d'écriture Wikipedia#15
Concours d'écriture Wikipedia#15
Your contact details | |
Project name | Concours d'écriture Wikipedia#15 |
Short description | 15 jours pour écrire (au moins) 15 biographies de femmes africaines notables |
Longer description | Le 15 janvier 2016, Wikipedia célèbrait ses 15 ans d'existence. Mais... même en 15 ans... le contenu sur l'Afrique en général - et sur les femmes africaines en particulier - reste limité. D'où l'idée de célébrer les 15 ans de Wikipédia en organisant un concours d'écriture bilingue anglais/français visant à augmenter le nombre de biographies de femmes africaines notables. Ce concours coïncidait également avec le lancement du Projet Wiki Loves Women, un projet de libération de contenu relatif aux femmes dans 4 pays africains, la Côte d'Ivoire, le Ghana, le Cameroun et le Nigéria. Le projet Wiki Loves Women est géré en collaboration avec l'Institut Goethe. Le concours d'écriture fut un succès ! En 15 jours, 234 nouvelles biographies furent créées, 71 en anglais, 122 en français et 41 en arménien. Le meilleur article anglophone portait sur Maalouma Mint Mokhtar Ould Meidah (en arabe : المعلومة منت الميداح), née le 1er octobre 1960 à Mederdra, une chanteuse populaire et femme politique mauritanienne. Le meilleur article francophone portait sur Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge, née le 29 juin 1952, une femme politique sud-africaine. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | File:Colors of africa.jpg |
Primary webpage URL | etécriture |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Florence Devouard (u:anthere); Isla Haddow-Flood |
Email contact |; |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | wikiloveswomen |
Bot Academy
Your contact details | andre.costa![]() |
Project name | BotAcademy |
Short description | A bot is a program which runs with limited or no involvement of the user themself. Bots can be a great tool for experienced editors whether they want to detect spelling mistakes or creating complete articles. But getting started is always hard and this is where BotAcademy wants to help. |
Longer description | BotAcademy is a workshop which Wikimedia Sweden has been running for two years which gives a practical introduction in how to use (ro)bots on the various Wikimedia projects. The aim is that participants feel confident enough to do (simpler) bot runs on their own after having attended the workshop.
The workshops are aimed at active Wikimedia contributors who are already familiar with the rules and etiquette on their home wiki. By introducing a variety of tools and frameworks at various levels of technical difficulty we want to ensure that each participant finds a tool which helps them with their workflow. Flying participants to Sweden makes little sense in the long run though, instead we are looking for people interested in hosting local events and in creating online teaching materials so that more people feel confident enough to let bots help them make the Wikimedia projects better. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | ![]() |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | André Costa |
Email contact | andre.costa![]() |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | #BotAcademy |
Twitter handle | #BotAcademy @WikimediaSE |
Cochrane-Wikipedia Initiative
Your contact details | Sydney Poore User:FloNight |
Project name | Cochrane-Wikipedia Initiative |
Short description | An initiative to provide high quality, freely available health information to the world. |
Longer description | The Cochrane-Wikipedia Initiative is a collaboration between Cochrane and Wiki Project Med Foundation to create high quality, freely available health information. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Sydney Poore |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
Wiki Loves Women EN
Wiki Loves Women
Your contact details | |
Project name | Wiki Loves Women |
Short description | The Wiki Loves Women project bridges two significant gaps on Wikimedia projects – women and Africa – both in terms of content about these subjects and in terms of participation by people from these groups. |
Longer description | Gender inequality is rife across Africa. Although much progress has been made to address these inequalities in the workplace and within society, there remains a systemic bias towards profiling men, especially with regards to information, news and knowledge, both online and offline. There are significant numbers of notable women who have shaped Africa's countries and societies, there are innovative business women who help to drive Africa’s many economies (formal and informal) and there are everyday realities that women and female children must face due to their gender. These stories need to sit alongside the ones of their male counterparts. Very few of these subjects can be found online, far fewer on the world’s largest knowledge repositories, such as Wikipedia.
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | Emailer of Wiki Love Women 2.png |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Florence Devouard (u:anthere); Isla Haddow-Flood |
Email contact |; |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | wikiloveswomen |
Wiki Loves Women FR
Wiki Loves Women
Your contact details | |
Project name | Wiki Loves Women |
Short description | Emanciper des informations de qualité relatives aux femmes africaines et les publier sur Wikipedia pour les mettre à disposition du plus grand nombre. |
Longer description | L'inégalité des genres est répandue dans toute l'Afrique. Bien que des progrès aient été observés dans le cadre des inégalités existantes au niveau de la vie familiale, de l’éducation, sur le lieu de travail, en politique, il existe toujours un biais systémique en faveur des hommes, en particulier en ce qui concerne l'information, les actualités, les sources de connaissances, la représentation dans les médias, à la fois en ligne et hors ligne. De nombreuses femmes africaines remarquables ont façonné le passé des sociétés africaines. Des femmes d’affaire innovantes ont aujourd’hui un rôle déterminant, qu’il soit formel ou informel, dans le développement économique, environnemental et social de l’Afrique actuelle. Et il existe des réalités quotidiennes auxquelles les femmes et les jeunes filles doivent faire face en raison à leur sexe. Ces récits doivent siéger aux côtés des récits qui portent sur leurs homologues masculins. Mais très peu de ces contenus peuvent être trouvés en ligne, même pas sur Wikipedia, qui est pourtant aujourd’hui l’une des plus importante sources d’information globale. Le projet Wiki Loves Women vise à émanciper et mettre largement à disposition du grand public du contenu culturel et éducatif sur les femmes ou en rapport avec les femmes, contenu déjà existant au sein d’organisations mais peu visible ou peu accessible.
L’objectif du projet Wiki Loves Women est de participer à combler deux lacunes importantes observées sur l’encyclopédie libre Wikipedia et portant sur les femmes et sur l'Afrique. Ces lacunes existent à la fois en terme de contenu relatif à ces deux thématiques, mais aussi en terme de participation au niveau rédactionnel. Notre finalité est la lutte contre les inégalités existantes entre les hommes et les femmes sur le continent africain. Le projet Wiki Loves Women a été conçu dans le cadre du mouvement WikiAfrica par Florence Devouard et Isla Haddow-Flood. Ce projet d’une durée de 15 mois environ, organisé en collaboration avec l’Institut Goethe, se déroule en 2016 et 2017 dans quatre pays d’Afrique, le Ghana, le Cameroun, la Côte d'Ivoire et le Nigéria. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | Emailer of Wiki Love Women 2.png |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Florence Devouard (u:anthere); Isla Haddow-Flood |
Email contact |; |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | wikiloveswomen |
Your contact details | info -at- |
Project name | |
Short description | will collect and provide information about the overall appearance of the locality, information about buildings and their stories, recent changes, etc. |
Longer description | The goal of is to provide information about the overall appearance of the locality, information about buildings and their stories. This is not only about the most important buildings that are documented well in Wikipedia, this is also about everyday architecture of the past that still is present or gone recently. It should help getting a transparent overview of things happening in your city recently as well as causing curiousity and awareness about the buildings in your surrounding.
The system is based on a semantic mediawiki, that allows people to create accounts and edit information like on every Mediawiki. But Map functions are enhanced and Wikicode is not needed since Semantic Forms are used. There is also an app for mobile devices that interacts with the Mediawiki API. The project started in the City of Graz where it is also known as Grazwiki. Most entries are in German language, but the project is open for other cities and languages now. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | baugeschichte_housetrails_usecase.png |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Martin |
Email contact | info -at- |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
Tools for Tackling Personal Attacks, Harassment and Toxicity
Your contact details | |
Project name | Tools for Tackling Personal Attacks, Harassment and Toxicity |
Short description | Harassment and civility issues are a growing concern for the Wikimedia projects. With your help, we’d like to explore how machine learning tools could help Wikipedians increase community engagement by improving the tone of article and talk pages. |
Longer description | Good discussion is important for the Wikimedia community and is challenged by harassment and toxic language, which reduce the quality of engagement. A recent survey by the Safety & Support team at the Wikimedia foundation has found that 38% of Wikimedia users directly experience harassment on the platform. Of those that experienced harassment, 4% stop contributing to the article or project they were involved with. This past year we have seen calls for machine learning based tools for dealing with this problem in a variety of forums, including Wikimedia-l, the enwiki Village Pump, the 2015 Harassment Consultation and the Community Wish List. We are interested in exploring how such tools could improve discussion.
We are looking for volunteers to help us define and identify toxicity in article and talk pages and to work with us to design better tools to curate the tone of these pages. For more details about how to get involved, please check out our Research Page. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | Research Page |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Nithum Thain |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
Your contact details | |
Project name | Kiwix |
Short description | The whole human knowledge at hand, offline, wherever you go! |
Longer description | Kiwix enables you to have Wikipedia and other content without access to Internet: everything is stored on your computer or smartphone!
-- Kiwix is an offline reader for web content. It's software intended to make Wikipedia available without using the internet, but it is potentially suitable for all HTML content. Kiwix supports the ZIM format, a highly compressed open format with additional meta-data. Kiwix is free software, which means you can freely copy, modify and distribute it. Kiwix is mostly installed in schools, universities and libraries which can't afford a broadband Internet access. It is much faster than the Internet and also can be used by many institutions to save bandwidth and reader's time. But many people use Kiwix for their own personal purposes, for example, of people suffering from censorship or prisoners. Kiwix is really easy to use. It provides a range of features which make usage comfortable:
Kiwix is small and efficient software, usable on lower powered or old computers. It runs on a large range of operating systems, on Android and on the three main PC operating systems: Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X and GNU/Linux distributions. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | ![]() |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Emmanuel Engelhart [Kelson] |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | ##kiwixconnect |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | |
Flemish museums on Wikidata
Flemish museums on Wikidata
Your contact details | Spinster |
Project name | Flemish museums on Wikidata |
Short description | Eight major Flemish museums and art collections have made their metadata available via Wikidata. Why did they do this, how was this done, and what are the results and the potential? |
Longer description | In the project Flemish art collections, Wikidata and Linked Open Data, a group of Flemish museums and art collections have published metadata of their art collections (estimated: 25,000 artworks in total) on Wikidata, and have thus made this dataset available as Linked Open Data (LOD).
In this way, the information about the artworks can be enriched on Wikidata. This project is a first encounter of the participating art collections with the community of Wikimedia volunteers. The project partners investigate whether the free infrastructure, provided by Wikidata, can be used by museums:
3 milestones |
Logo | [[File:|250x250px]] |
Optional other image | La_Madone_au_Chanoine_Van_der_Paele.jpg |
Primary webpage URL |,_Wikidata_and_Linked_Open_Data |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Sandra Fauconnier |
Email contact | sandra.fauconnier![]() |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @sanseveria |
Connected Open Heritage
Connected Open Heritage
Your contact details | John Andersson (Wikimedia Sweden) |
Project name | Connected Open Heritage |
Short description | "The greatest threat towards the cultural heritage is lack of knowledge and disinterest. The best way to protect the cultural heritage is therefore knowledge and information that is easy to find and free” — Lars Amréus, Director-General of the National Heritage Board of Sweden.
Connected Open Heritage will do that. |
Longer description | In partnership with UNESCO, Wikimedia Italia, and other organisations, Wikimedia Sverige will work to connect the world’s immovable cultural heritage data on Wikidata, building on the extraordinary work done by volunteers globally. With your help, we will add more data from countries where cultural heritage is at risk, allowing information to be more easily integrated on Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia. This will spark awareness and interest to save the world's cultural heritage.
Here’s how you can help out:
3 milestones |
Logo | [[File:![]() |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | John Andersson (Wikimedia Sweden) |
Email contact | john.andersson![]() |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | #openheritage #glamwiki @WikimediaSE |
Your contact details | Riccardo Iaconelli <> |
Project name | WikiToLearn |
Short description | We want to change the way educational content is created, refined and consumed by students, professors and learners in general. We want to create a community of users and creators of knowledge, involving the greatest minds and the top educational and research institutions. This is what we do, at WikiToLearn. |
Longer description | The KDE community has always strongly believed in openness, in free and open source software. Today, we’re taking this mission one step further, by bringing openness to the most important intellectual production of humanity: knowledge itself. And we’re not doing it alone, but with the help of institutions and professors all around the globe.
WikiToLearn is an open platform where students, researchers and key people in the academia can create and refine notes and text books, tailored precisely to their needs, giving them the power to customize the teaching beyond what traditional textbooks allow. Our philosophy is inspired from the very foundation of how science works. We believe that “Knowledge only grows if shared” and we want learners to “Stand on the shoulder of giants!” Join thousands of students and professors around the world! Get in touch with the team on: |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Riccardo Iaconelli |
Email contact | info![]() |
IRC channel | ##wikitolearnconnect |
Facebook page | Wiki To Learn |
Twitter handle | WikiToLearn |
Reviving the Hebrew Wiktionary
Reviving the Hebrew Wiktionary
Your contact details | he:user:Ariel1024, omri![]() |
Project name | Reviving the Hebrew Wiktionary |
Short description | In 2009, the Hebrew Wiktionary project became dormant with only 200 edits per month and no active community. New entries were rarely written and most edits were vandalism. The project was brought back to life thanks to the initiative of a handful of editors and Wikimedia Israel. Today, the Hebrew Wiktionary community has 30 editors and dozens of new entries are written every month! |
Longer description | Over the years, the Hebrew Wiktionary project died out and became dilapidated. It had no community, no active admins, and the few editors who made some edits every now and then concentrated on preventing vandalism. Then, we decided together to try to bring the project back to life. We created help pages and infrastructure, we promoted discussions about policies and tried to find help and support from other sources.
Wikimedia Israel suggested a cooperation with the Academy of the Hebrew Language, which led to the first Wiktionary course – an introductory course to lexicography and Wiktionary editing. The course was a runaway success with over 100 people having registered for the candidate screening stage. The participants joined the editor community and made valuable contributions to the project. We opened another course one year later and we intend to continue this wonderful tradition. We started an entry writing competition for the general public, in which some of the most renowned Hebrew lexicographers and linguists of our time took part as judges, and which brought about dozens of new entries (in addition to several new editors who decided to stay put). Many other events were initiated, such as community meetings, editing days, programmers' meet-ups, discussions, chats etc. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | The closing event of the first Hebrew Wiktionary course in Israel. The event was held at the Academy of the Hebrew Language in Jerusalem. 15.jpg |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Omri Farber |
Email contact | omri![]() |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @omri_farber |
WikiProject Language samples
WikiProject Language samples
Your contact details | User:MichaelSchoenitzer (Mail) |
Project name | WikiProject Language samples |
Short description | The goal of the WikiProject Language samples is to add an audio speech sample of the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to each Wikipedia article about a language. |
Longer description | Wikipedia exists in many languages, and contains articles about languages. We already have a lot of high quality Wikipedia articles about languages in which you can find information about the number of speakers, the vocabulary, origin and grammar of the language. But often one very natural question about a language is still left unanswered: "How does this language sound?".
This projects seeks to change this. The goal of this project is to add a small sample of text spoken by a native speaker to all the articles about languages. The first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is an appropriate choice for this, since it is translated in "all" languages of the world, is in the public domain and is of the right length to be included to a Wikipedia article. |
3 milestones |
Logo | [[File:|250x250px]] |
Optional other image | ![]() |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | MichaelSchoenitzer |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
Wikiproject UNESCO
Your contact details | User:John Cummings |
Project name | Wikiproject UNESCO |
Short description | Wikiproject UNESCO aims to facilitate cooperation between the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the Wikimedia movement to improve open education through Wikimedia projects. These pages provide a guide on what work can be done with simple guides on how to contribute so that everyone can take part. |
Longer description | Wikiproject UNESCO aims to facilitate cooperation between the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the Wikimedia movement to improve open education through Wikimedia projects. These pages provide a guide on what work can be done with simple guides on how to contribute so that everyone can take part. The main goals of the project are to:
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
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Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | John Cummings |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @mrjohnc |
Open Science Fellows Program
Your contact details | Julia Kloppenburg (Wikimedia Deutschland) at Wikimania, Christina Rupprecht (Wikimedia Deutschland) |
Project name | Open Science Fellows Program |
Short description | In 2016, Wikimedia Deutschland (WMDE) and Stifterverband are piloting an Open Science Fellows Program (named Fellow-Programm Freies Wissen). Its goal is to empower researchers from diverse disciplines to apply instruments of Open Science to their academic work. As part of the program, the fellows will have the opportunity to connect with experienced experts and practitioners and discuss both the benefits and the challenges of Open Science. |
Longer description | The Fellows Program aims at making scientific research, data and dissemination publicly available, leading to a more reproducible and transparent science. The program targets researchers who are in an early stage of their academic careers such as PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and assistant professors. In 2016, the program awards ten scholarships at € 5.000 each. It aims to impart knowledge about the idea of Open Science, collaborative working methods as well as digital infrastructures such as the Wikimedia projects Wikipedia and Wikidata. In the long term, the Fellows Program wants to trigger social change and promote openness in academic research and teaching. |
3 milestones |
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Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Julia Kloppenburg (WMDE) |
Email contact |; |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
Lingua Libre
Lingua Libre
Cite As You Write
Cite As You Write
Your contact details | |
Project name | Cite As You Write |
Short description | A tool that automatically searches for citable references in different digital libraries, while you edit an article. When a suitable reference is found, adding it to the article is only one click away. |
Longer description | We are developing an extension for the Google Chrome browser, that supports "scientific augmentation" of Wikipedia articles. While editing an article, a search for citable resources, e.g. scientific articles is triggered automatically in the background. The extension makes use of different technologies developed in the EEXCESS project: A search query for related resources is constructed automatically from the already written text. This query is then sent to different digital libraries and the aggregated results are presented next to the editor pane. When one of the retrieved results is a suitable citation reference, it can be added with a simple click. Feedback from active editors is highly appreciated and we are looking for developers who want to get involved. |
3 milestones |
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Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | schloe06 |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @EEXCESS |
Let’s Fill the Wiki Gender Gap
Let’s Fill the Wiki Gender Gap
Your contact details | en:User talk:Nattes à chat, fr:User talk:LaMèreVeille |
Project name | Let’s Fill the Wiki Gender Gap |
Short description | Given:
we will organize 6 workshops for women and men to reduce for a start the Swiss gender gap on the French encyclopedia. |
Longer description | We will provide six workshops within an academic surrounding to teach participants how to become a wiki contributor with a special focus on gender awareness. Regardless of gender, participants will contribute to pages about renowned Swiss women, but in their own area of expertise. Here is the general layout of the 6 workshops: 1 - introduction to Wikipedia & explaining the gender gap & identifying participants area of contribution |
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Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Natacha Rault- Marie-Pierre Vidonne |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
WikiProject Modernisme
WikiProject Modernisme
Your contact details | ESM |
Project name | WikiProject Modernisme |
Short description | Bringing as much Catalan Modernisme metadata as possible to Wikidata in order to relate them and generate an informative and open resource, freely available to anyone. |
Longer description | Lots of research, inventories, and catalogues about Catalan Modernisme heritage have been made. However, only specialists can easily relate and make connections between Modernisme artworks which are usually preserved in separate collections, sometimes even in different locations. We want to strengthen these connections and make knowledge about Catalan Modernisme heritage more accessible to all interested citizens by concentrating as much metadata about it as possible in Wikidata, setting grounds for complex searches and data visualisations. |
3 milestones |
Logo | [[File:File:Wikidata-logo-en.svg|250x250px]] |
Optional other image | First slide of File:Viquimodernisme i wikidata.pdf |
Primary webpage URL | Wikidata:WikiProject Modernisme |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Esther Solé (ESM) |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @GracmonUB, @esthersole, @amicalwikimedia |
Your contact details | Sdivad, Mikima |
Project name | Contropedia |
Short description | Contropedia is a tool for improving transparency in Wikipedia. It provides an interactive interface to identify the elements that underwent most changes in an article, and to explore activity related to them. |
Longer description | The availability of articles' edit histories and talk pages is essential for ensuring transparency in Wikipedia. However, especially for big controversial articles it is not immediately clear - even for an expert editor, how to make sense of such information and find for example when and why the description of a certain issue was put in the current form.
Contropedia is a tool that allows users to identify which concepts within an article underwent most edits, and provides access to the edit history and discussion around a particular topic. We are currently extending it to be fully multilingual, to fully combine edit history with discussion activity in talk pages, and to provide views on networks of articles. A demo and extensive documentation are available online: We aim to present the tool and its functionalities, and to receive feedback from the community about possible improvements and future developments. |
3 milestones |
Logo | [[File:|250x250px]] |
Optional other image | ![]() |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | |
Email contact | and |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
WikiProject Esperanto125
Side note: This project was conceived some time ago but the idea was dormant for lack of time of organisers. Now, World Esperanto Youth Organization has assigned some time of their full-time volunteer KuboF (longstanding wikimedian, co-founder of WUG Esperanto kaj Libera Scio - that is me ;) to work on this and some others wiki projects. So do not be afraid about nowadays state of the project description pages, it is really nowadays state.
Your contact details |, User:KuboF |
Project name | Esperanto125 |
Short description | It is unusual for a constructed language to get alive and form a vibrant international community, even with native speakers. Esperanto is such an exceptional language! Help to inform people about this phenomenon by writing and translating articles with us! |
Longer description | Esperanto was born as a bold dream of a young idealist whose intention was to bring world peace. This high goal hasn't yet been achieved but Esperanto attracted many language lovers, travellers, alternative life-stylers and even Wikimedians, who created the Esperanto Wikipedia in the same year as the English one.
Despite Esperanto's long standing and the development of its own international culture, lots of people are still not aware of it at all. In the WikiProject Esperanto125 we are collecting and translating into as many languages as possible the most important and interesting information about principles, linguistic traits, history, including First book, UNESCO resolution, nowadays situation, eminent speakers, literature, music, film and culture in general as well as organizations and movement. The project invites every Esperanto speaker to collect and improve the original content and translators to translate it (not necessary from Esperanto). |
3 milestones |
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Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
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Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @ELiberaScio |
Science Photo Competition
Science Photo Competition
Your contact details | w:ru:user_talk:drbug |
Project name | Science Photo Competition |
Short description | Now, after experience with the European Science Photo Competition 2015, it goes world-wide in 2016 (new Wikimedia brand — Wiki Science Competition 2016). Planing partners: Wikimedia CH, Wikimedia Eesti, Rostec and other corporations, organizations. |
Longer description | Between the years 2011–2013 the concept of collecting fine scientific images to Wikipedia was successfully tested during the Estonian Science Photo Competition. In 2015 there was European Science Photo Competition 2015. It was successful, and brang about 10 000 free scientific images. This year the competion is going on global, world-wide scale. Our partners: Roscosmos, Moscow City Center, Popular-Science Magazine, Academy of Sciences, University, Companies, ect. |
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Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Vladimir Medeyko (Wikimedia RU), Ivo Kruusamägi (Wikimedia Eesti) |
Email contact | vladimir.medeyko![]() |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
CEE Spring
CEE Spring 2016
Your contact details | Magalia |
Project name | CEE Spring 2016 |
Short description | In CEE Spring Wikipedia editors from Central and Eastern Europe joined forces to expand and create articles about the region. Hundreds of volunteers from the 24 regional language versions of "the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit" created and improved entries related to the culture, history, geography and sports of their neighbours. By the end of the contest, local versions of Wikipedia featured thousands of new articles. |
Longer description | CEE Spring 2016 is one of the largest article writing contests in the history of Wikipedia. It's aim is to gather information about the history, culture, traditions, and people from every corner of the Central and Eastern European region. The event took place from March 21 till May 31. During this time period there were individual article competition on 24 related Wikipedias concentrating on creating and significantly editing articles on topics of culture, geography, economics, society, sports, politics, history, science and education, meaning notable phenomena, events and people of each and every participating country from the region. And by encouraging editors to write articles about notable women from Central and Eastern Europe the contest helped to close the gender gap. This project was open to anybody, including those with no prior experience in editing Wikipedia. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | Wikimedia-CEE-Spring-2016-flags.png |
Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
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IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | |
Your contact details | EdouardHue |
Project name | ComeOn! |
Short description | ComeOn! is a computer software designed to upload batches of media files to Wikimedia Commons. |
Longer description | Unlike other tools, ComeOn! supports both pictures and audio files. It uses a common template language to generate the media description in wiki text. Metadata from the media file and from an external CSV file may be inserted directly in the wiki text, reducing the need to edit the description pages after uploading. |
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Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | EdouardHue |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @EdouardHue |
Your contact details | EdouardHue, Pyb |
Project name | WikiZoo |
Short description | Shooting dead animals! |
Longer description | WikiZoo is a project to photograph the zoology collections of several French universities. These collections hold thousands of specimens, sometimes very old and of high historical value, but are rarely seen by the public. Publishing high quality pictures to Commons will offer the opportunity to illustrate many biology articles. |
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Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | EdouardHue, Pyb |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @EdouardHue, @Pyb75 |
Wikipedia Asian Month
Your contact details | User:AddisWang |
Project name | Wikipedia Asian Month |
Short description | Wikipedia Asian Month is an online Edit-a-thon aimed at enhancing the understanding among Asian Wikipedia communities. |
Longer description | The first Wikipedia Asian Month was held in November 2015. 1,286 Wikipedians from 43 langauge versions of Wikipedia attended the event and contributed a total of 6,096 high quality articles. Each of the participating communities runs a local Wikipedia Edit-a-thon on their own language Wikipedias, which promotes the creation or improvement of the Wikipedia content about Asia except their own country. Although this is an Asian Month, the participating community is not limited to Asia. As one of the parts of the friendship within the Wikipedia Asian Community, each participant who created at least five articles that fulfill the article criteria received a special designed Wikipedia postcard from seven participating countries and regions. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
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Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Addis Wang |
Email contact | addiswang94 ![]() |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle |
Wikimedia 3D roadmap
Wikimedia 3D roadmap
Your contact details | post /AT/ / User:Theredmonkey |
Project name | Wikimedia 3D roadmap |
Short description | Wikimedia desperately needs a concept for integrating three-dimensional content. 3D illustrations of famous buildings, animal skeletons, and many more objects could dramatically enrich the user experience. Furthermore, a thought-through concept for 3D integration provides new ways for volunteers to engage: Operating 3D-scanners, drawing 3D models, and creating walk-through scenarios. |
Longer description | == How this could look like ==
Think of the Wikipedia article about the Great Pyramid of Giza. Imagine how amazing it would be if we could provide the reader with a detailed 3D model of the pyramid, that you can walk through, zoom in and out of and rotate freely … Community aspectsIntegration of 3D models provides new opportunities for volunteers to engage:
Open questions
All sorts of input, comments, and support are welcome at or at the meta page. |
3 milestones |
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Primary webpage URL | |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Nikolas Becker |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter handle | @redmonkey_ |
Culture and Safety in Africa
Culture and Safety in Africa
Wikimedia Cuteness Association
Your contact details | Percy Plush, Erminig |
Project name | Wikimedia Cuteness Association |
Short description | Cuteness: a state of mind for shaping the future of the Wikimedia movement |
Longer description | The Wikimedia movement needs more Cuteness. Badly. Recognising this fact, many Wikimedians have been active in the past few years to advocate for Cuteness. As plushies, we have been at the forefront of this endeavour − traveling to international events like Wikimania in order to shower attendees with Cuteness, raising awareness of the importance of our mission amongst community leaders. The positive reception we were welcomed with, as much as the scale of the issue to tackle, led us to join forces under the Cute banner of the Wikimedia Cuteness Association − a prospective thematic organisation dedicated to foster Cuteness in the Wikimedia movement. We gained much momentum, recruiting many more supporters to our cause. And yet, every other day, every other e-mail and every little drama is a reminder that we still have a long, long way to go. |
3 milestones |
Logo | ![]() |
Optional other image | Jan Bart de Vreede and the Wikimedia Cuteness Association - Wikimania 2014.jpg |
Primary webpage URL | Wikimedia_Cuteness_Association |
Mailing List | |
Your name | Percy Plush |
Email contact | |
IRC channel | #wikimedia-kawaiiconnect |
Facebook page | PercyPlush |
Twitter handle | @Erminig_NCO |