User digest/Wikipedia to the Moon

User Digest Title: Wikipedia to the Moon – 3, 2, 1, ...decision!
Date: Saturday, 25 June 2016
Time: 11:30
Venue: Gym Palace (map)
Presenter: Michael Jahn
Biography of Presenter: Michael is Head of Communications and Partnerships at Wikimedia Deutschland. He has been with the German chapter since 2010.
Overview of topic:
All over the world, a handful of private space travel enthusiasts are competing in a challenge to send a rover to the Moon by 2017. One of the finalists is from Germany, and because they have always loved Wikipedia, they are giving us a gift. There is free data space available on their rover's mission to the Moon, ...but the Wikipedia community needs to select the encyclopedic content. In this presentation the result of the community voting on the best idea to achieve this will be announced. But, most importantly, it will show you how to participate yourself:
- Your edits can go to Moon. This session tells you how.
- The challenge ends on 5 December 2016, International Volunteer Day. Hear about ideas to highlight the work of your community on that day.
- Become an ambassador for Wikipedia to the Moon, because if you do, you will get a gift yourself :)
Supporting material:
- Wikipedia to the Moon on Meta-Wiki: Check out the platform for drafting, voting and working on content for Wikipedia to the Moon. Anyone can participate. Collecting Scenarios is finished, and you can vote on your favorite scenario for content on the Wikipedia disc, beginning 10 June, ...up until opening Friday of Wikimania!
- Community voting on how to take Wikipedia to the Moon took place here.
Interested in writing about Wikipedia to the Moon? Meet me at the Communications Hackathon at Villa Rogo! Let's talk and write:
- Thursday, Villa Rogo, 10:00-17:00
Interested attendees: