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Critical issues presentations/Data quality and knowledge diversity: How does Wikidata handle it?

From Wikimania 2016 • Esino Lario, Italy
Submission no. 149
Title of the submission

Data quality and knowledge diversity: How does Wikidata handle it?

Author of the submission
  • Lydia Pintscher
Country of origin



Governance, other, Outreach, Projects, Research, Technical

  • Wikidata
  • quality
  • diversity
  • knowledge plurality
  • data

Giving more people more access to more knowledge - that is Wikidata's goal. Wikidata set out to support especially the small Wikipedias by giving them the necessary tools to benefit from all the amazing work done on the larger Wikipedias. Wikidata has made this and so much more possible within a very short time. It is one of the most active Wikimedia projects and has gained international recognition as a superb open data project and knowledge base.

Wikidata is growing and becoming more and more central to the day-to-day work of Wikipedia, every other Wikimedia project and well beyond it. We need to make sure the quality of the data we provide is excellent. With so many cultures coming together on Wikidata we also need to make sure that we represent knowledge in a way that doesn't dump it down but instead represents all its diversity. Data quality and knowledge diversity have rightfully been at hot topic in any discussion about Wikidata. I will give an overview of the data quality and knowledge plurality strategy the development team and editors are following and how we will be able to deal with a large amount of diverse data.


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