Welcome bag

From Wikimania 2016 • Esino Lario, Italy

In the welcome bag we need to include and you will find:

Item Number Who Arrival Where they are
The welcome bag - simple fabric bag 2000 Everybody June 17th To be stored at Theatre
The map 2000 Everybody To be stored at Theatre
The programme: a folder with papers inside 2000 Everybody To be stored at Theatre
The Esino Lario Calendar 1000 Arrived Theatre
T-Shirt 3000 Everybody Arrived and June 17th Theatre
Leaflet - Le vie della fede 1000 Arrived In my car
Leaflets - Jimmy Wales Foundation (2 leaflets) 1000 Pending. Expected by Monday 20 At the city council
A cape for the rain (mantellina) 1000 Arrived Theatre
The torch + a battery 200 People living in the cabins June 17th To be stored at the Albergo Italia (they go with the keys)
Chocolate Wikimania deposit
Backpack from Regione Lombardia Pending Organizers and students June 20th To be stored at the Albergo Italia (they go with the keys)
Pens from Lufthansa 1000 June 17th (iolanda) In my car
Pens from the B&B 700 Albergo Italia
Postcards 500 Arrived ??? To be available at the Albergo Italia (they go with the keys)

Please remember also the badge, the lanyard (black and green for no photo and videos) and the ribbons.

Item Number Who Arrival Where they are
Badge June 17th (iolanda) Albergo Italia
Black lanyards June 17th To be stored at Albergo Italia
Green lanyards June 17th To be stored at Albergo Italia
Ribbons June 21th (ellie) Sheraton Malpensa