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Programme/Green week for the children

From Wikimania 2016 • Esino Lario, Italy
Title Green week for the children
Genre Activities for children
Date 21.28 June 2016
Time 9.30-18.00
Location Collaborative space (pending)
Contact Lara Pensa at wikimania2016@wikimedia.it
Status Confirmed

The Green week for the children is a week of itineraries and laboratories for children between 6 and 10 organized by the Regional Grigna Park and lead by Tecla Bertarini. Please register by 10 June 2016 by writing to Lara Pensa at wikimania2016@wikimedia.it. Thanks to the Regional Grigna Park and the Comunità Montana della Valsassina Valvarrone Val d'Esino e Riviera for supporting and organizing the event precisely during Wikimania to involve children and to facilitate the participation in particular of the local volunteers in organizing the event.


The week accompany children to discusser the Regional Park, its beautiful surroundings and its culture and environments. Visits will be in Bellano, Esino Lario, Margno, Pasturo, Perledo, Primaluna and Varenna.

Departure is at 9.30 and arrival at 18.00 at Villa Clotilde, via Montefiori 19, Esino Lario.

Date Location Program Cost
Tuesday 21 June 2016 Esino Lario-Primaluna. Bring your lunch picnic Fisherman for one day. The water and idro-biology. Visits to the mines of Cortabbio. 41,50 euro.
Wednesday 22 June 2016 Esino Lario - Bellano - Varenna - Vezio. Falconers for one day. Visit to Orrido in Bellano, to Varenna and to the Castle of Vezio in Varenna. 35 euro.
Thursday 23 June 2016 Esino Lario - Pasturo Even rocks can speak. Geology and paleontology of the territory. 31 euro.
Friday 24 June 2016 Esino Lario - Pian delle Betulle - Pasturo Look and discover the animals. Itinerary at the Alpe di Peglio to look for animals and their trails. Followed by the Jungle Raider Park. 49 euro.
Saturday 25 June 2016 Esino Lario - Cainallo A day in the mountains with the houses. Itinerary to Alpeggio Cainallo with a visit to the tools for agriculture and the production of milk. Little ride on a horse. 36 euro.
Sunday 26 June 2016 Esino Lario - Ortanella. Bring your lunch picnic Among flowers and trees of the park. Introduction to botanics. Itinerary to Ortanella to observe flowers and trees. Creation of an herbarium. 25 euro.
Monday and Tuesday 27 and 28 June 2016 (including the night). Esino Lario - Pasturo - Pialeral. Bring your lunch picnic (and please note it is a two days itinerary) The carousel of stars. Introduction to astronomy. Itinerary to the Rifugio Antonietta Pialeral 80 euro.

Please note that the participants need to wear light mountain shoes and they need to bring a little backpack with a light jacket, hat, a sweatshirt, cream for the sun, water and sneaks (for mid morning and afternoon). It can be useful to have a change of cloths. Please also note that for some of the excursion it is necessary to bring a picnic (you can buy it in the food shops of Esino Lario).


I will attend

  • Marisa Wight (3 years old). Parents: Michelle and Adam. Especially interested in the Friday and Saturday excursions.

Interested but not sure I can attend
