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Meetups/Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

From Wikimania 2016 • Esino Lario, Italy

Come for a short intro to the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential, a collection of world problems and humanitarian initiatives. This cool reference was the result of one of Paul Otlet's projects from the 20th century, the Union of International Associations. It has ~60,000 articles at many levels of abstraction, along with links to related data sources and network information about which problems are interrelated with which other ones.

The EWPHP is being released under a BY-SA license, and a small team is trying to wikify it, integrate its sources with wikidata, synchronize parts w/ WP where appropriate, and set up a world-editable interface to it. I will show you what the current digitized site looks like. If you have worked with global census, environmental, scientific or humanitarian datasets, or have synchronized other historical encyclopedias with WP: your input is wanted!

The first meetup is during hacking days; there will be a followup on Saturday, when the lead developer of the project, Tomáš Fülöpp, will be in Esino.


When: 1700-1900
Where: Room 40 of the Primary School (or just outside that room since it is so nice!)


When: ~1200-1330
Where: TBD based on interest