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Meetups/Attribution Generator

From Wikimania 2016 • Esino Lario, Italy

Licence Attribution Generator
Date Friday 24 June 2016
Time 18.00-19.30
Location School- room 40
Contact John Weitzmann,
Jens Ohlig,
Nicole Ebber,
Cornelius Kibelka

The meetup "Licence Attribution Generator" aims to present the tool (https://lizenzhinweisgenerator.de/) and discuss how others can translate and adapt it for their language communities.


The Licence Attribution Generator assists users who would like to re-use image files to generate correct license descriptions/attribution texts for image files under a CC license from Commons and Wikipedia. The text is based on the original Creative Commons license and the intended use, for anyone planning to reuse CC licensed images. The tool provides a userfriendly step by step instruction. Especially with regard to Wikimedia’s advocacy work, this tool can become extremely useful as it is improving legal certainty, and thus stimulating wider distribution of Wikimedia content. It's all Open source, the software as well as the texts are freely licensed; they can be translated and adapted for other language communities.


See the Etherpad

  • Quick presentation of the tool
  • Conversation about ways to translate and adopt the tool
  • Discussion about how and where to take the tool further
  • Time for questions and input


I will attend

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Interested but not sure I can attend

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To be filled in after the meeting.