Esino Lario megközelítése vonattal
Olaszországból és Európából legegyszerűbb Milánón keresztül utazni; a város számos olasz és európai várossal összeköttetésben van. Az Esino Lariohoz legközelebbi vasútállomás Varenna-Esino-Perledo (12 km-re Esinotól); innen busszal vagy taxival utazhatsz tovább.
From Switzerland, another option for travelling by train to Esino is via Chur and Tirano, by the UNESCO World Heritage Albula and Bernina lines of the Rhaetian Railway. There are trains every hour from Tirano to Varenna-Esino. From Zürich, this takes longer than travelling via Milan[1] (travel time 7 to 8 hours, as opposed to 5 to 6), but may also actually be a cheap option if you're Swiss and have a GA travelcard, as this is valid till Tirano. The regular prices of the Swiss railways are rather steep, however.
There are trains from Milan approximately every hour; direct trains every 2 hours (and every hour at peak hours) leaving from Milan Central Station. The last train from Milan Central Station to Varenna is at 21:20 (arrival at 22:35); the next train is at 6:20 in the morning. The last train from Varenna to Milan Central Station is at 22:21 (arriving at 23:30); the next train is at 5:26 in the morning. Time and prices of trains on Trenitalia website.
- Milano Centrale állomásról 2 óránként indulnak közvetlen vonatok Varenna-Esino felé (Lecco, Morbegno, Sondrio, Tirano felé). A menetidő 1 óra 3 perc regionális vonatokkal. A jegyár 6,45 euró.
- Varenna-Esino állomásról Esino Larioba busszal. A busz megvárja a vonat érkezését. A jegyár 2,4 euró. Télen és nyáron más menetrend van érvényben; a Wikimánia idején megnöveltük a járatok számát.
Milano Centrale állomásnak az alábbi városokkal van közvetlen vasúti kapcsolata:
- Nápoly (Róma, Bologna, Florence)
- Genova (Pavia)
- Turin (Vercelli, Novara)
- Velence (Padova, Vicenza, Verona, Brescia)
- Párizs (Lyon)
- Genf (Lausanne, Montreux, Sion, Brig)
- Basel (Bern)
- Zürich (Bellinzona, Lugano)
- Bécs
- München (Innsbruck)
- ...
Ha másik állomásra érkezik a vonatod, Milano Centrale állomást metróval tudod megközelíteni (a vonaljegy ára 1,5 euró):
- Milano Affori: M3 - sárga vonal (San Donato felé, 5 megálló)
- Milano Cadorna, Milano Garibaldi: M2 - zöld vonal (Cologno/Gessate felé, 5, illetve 2 megálló)
- Milano Lambrate: M2 (Abbiategrasso/Milanofiori felé, 4 megálló)
- Milano Lodi TIBB, Milano Rogoredo: M3 (Comasina felé, 8, illetve 12 megálló)
- Milano Porta Genova: M2 (Cologno/Gessate felé, 8 megálló)
You can also use the journey planner at the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB CFF FFS) web site to find connections to Varenna-Esino. If you don't enter a via station, these will be connections through Monza (faster); if you enter Tirano as via for a connection from e.g. Zürich or Basel, it will show connections via Albula/Bernina. Caution though: The journey planner may also display connections that make no sense, like sending you from Monza to Tirano and then back to Varenna-Esino, so if you want to travel by the Albula/Bernina lines, make sure that you actually use trains via Chur (or Landquart). Also, if it's important to you to experience the Albula line, double-check the intermediate stops - if the train stops at Klosters and Zernez, it's not using the Albula line, but the Vereina tunnel.
Note: As there is an update for Italy's train schedule on June 12, the SBB website lists currently no connections to Varenna-Esino after June 11, but the new schedule is already available at the Trenord web site. There are no big changes.
- ↑ Actually, most fast connections from Switzerland are with a train change in Monza (near Milan), not in Milan proper.