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Critical issues presentations/The state of video in the Wikimedia movement

From Wikimania 2016 • Esino Lario, Italy
Submission no. 28
Title of the submission

The state of video in the Wikimedia movement

Author of the submission
  • Manuel Schneider
  • Andrew Lih
Country of origin

Germany; United States of America


Projects, Technical

  • video
  • development
  • roundtable
  • track
  • production
  • editing

A longer session to meet and discuss with video producers in the Wikimedia community, to present existing tools and initiatives.

Apart from getting to know each other and bring people and initiatives together the goal of this session is to start working on common video projects.

In the last two years the efforts around videos have been increased and there were content-based and technical sessions and video roundtables at Wikimania 2014 and 2015. This year instead of having three different sessions with different scopes, we rather want to have one larger session to get work done. A few interesting activities have spawn at last Wikimania but none which bears fruits yet, which is also because the video enthusiasts are mainly outside the WMF and don't get to meet during the year. This is what this session is for. Therefore we are asking for a long session or half track or similar, so we can really get people on board, introduce them, discuss future projects and start working on them.

The audience for this session are the video enthusiasts, people who have a strong interest in video and want to help improving the video production tools within Wikimedia. Some technical knowledge is required, either in producing videos (editing), MediaWiki development or open source software development.


Not accepted