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Critical issues presentations/Looped - where an article becomes the source

From Wikimania 2016 • Esino Lario, Italy
Submission no. 151
Title of the submission

Looped - where an article becomes the source

Author of the submission
  • Tom Hogarth
Country of origin



other, Research

  • Sources
  • Research limitations
  • Reliable sources
  • Article development

Editors researching articles they have created, have gone to libraries and information sources requesting further help, only to find their article is

given back to them as the main source of information to work from.

The Loop; editor creates, utilises sources, goes to a library or source,

to find the article created has become the main source.

This presentation looks at the problem where google and wikipedia as the first

search item by library staff, is a limiting factor in developing reliable

articles, and looks at ways of developing beyond the loop.


Not accepted