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Critical issues presentations/How to built a community: The documentary film of Wikimedia Argentina.

From Wikimania 2016 • Esino Lario, Italy
Submission no. 91
Title of the submission

How to built a community: The documentary film of Wikimedia Argentina.

Author of the submission
  • Giselle Bordoy
Country of origin




  • Documentary film
  • Volunteer
  • Making of
  • Backstage

Every time we perform activities in Wikimedia Argentina we realize that there is a general ignorance about who is behind the Wikipedia articles. Many people think that the people who edit the articles are hired or specialists in a particular subject.

That is why during the 2015 Wikimedia Argentina worked with the community in the realization of a documentary film that tries to reflect the experiences of the volunteers as Wikipedia editors.

The main goal of documentary film is to show to the rest of the people of Argentina what is the role of the volunteers. In this lecture we´re trying to show the making of "I am a Wikipedian".


Not accepted