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Critical issues presentations/“Program and Engagement Coordination” – A reflective process management to take movement conferences to the next level

From Wikimania 2016 • Esino Lario, Italy
Video of the talk
Submission no. 144
Title of the submission

“Program and Engagement Coordination” – A reflective process management to take movement conferences to the next level

Author of the submission
  • Cornelius Kibelka
  • Nicole Ebber
Country of origin

Germany; Germany


other, Projects

  • Conferences
  • Process management
  • Program and Engagement Coordination
  • Wikimedia Conference

How does a usual Wikimedia movement conference look like? A program is created, participants arrive rather unprepared at the conference, present and discuss more or less important issues for three days and then leave on Sunday. After the conference, the different strands of ideas, topics and conversations are not taken up, no one feels responsible to develop these strands any further; at least not in the open or in collaboration with others. Overall, a coordinated, outcome-driven approach is missing for many Wikimedia conferences. Only when it is time for the next conference, topics are brought up again, but mainly overshadowed by logistical discussions around venue, host, and color of the bikeshed.

As Wikimedia Deutschland and the Wikimedia Foundation jointly agreed on hosting the Wikimedia Conference for three years (2015-2017) in Berlin, Nicole Ebber and Cornelius Kibelka took the chance to plan this conference with a broader and longer perspective for the first time. Nicole and Cornelius created an experimental concept called “Program and Engagement Coordination”.[1] We wanted to tackle the above mentioned issues from the scratch and change the way how the Wikimedia Conference proceeded in the last years.

By Wikimania 2016, we will have developed and executed our concept [2, 3] for more than a year and have organised two Wikimedia Conferences with this new approach. We want to explain how me made the conference more productive, outcome oriented and sustainable, how integrating different strands of topics and conversations is crucial and what the benefits are of building “programmatic bridges” between different movement conferences. We will show what we have learned, what worked and what did not. We will explain how our methods and ways can be replicated for other gatherings in the broader Wikimedia context.

Together with other movement conference organisers and thought leaders we aim to improve our general conferences experiences and outcomes jointly, because we strongly believe in the power of being learning partners in the movement.

[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Conference/Program_and_Engagement_Coordination

[2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:PEG/WM_DE/Wikimedia_Conference_2015/Report

[3] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:PEG/WM_DE/Wikimedia_Conference_2015/PEC_Report



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