Official e-mail address:
Write to the general email or specifically contact:
In case of emergency, dial the unique emergency number on any phone for help 112 European Unique Emergency Number. If you have an emergency after contacting 112 please call also our Wikimania emergency number +393663221493 which will be active from 18 June until 27 June 2016.
For visa please send your requests to Morgan Jue at the Wikimedia Foundation (with Lara Pensa if help is needed on the Italian side) will help you.
Here all Wikimania Esino Lario team.
In Esino Lario the Registration area of Wikimania is in Piazza Italia. Open from Monday 20 until Monday 27 June 2016 from 8.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. every day, and until the last transfer from the airport arrives on the 21st and 23rd of June.
Address for Lost luggage or immigration purposes is
- Associazione Comitato Wikimania Esino Lario 2016
- via Montefiori 19
- 23825 Esino Lario
Social Media
Our Official Facebook Page is Wikimania Esino Lario (in Italian).
Wikimania official group on Facebook (in English).
Our official Twitter feed is @WikimaniaEsino (in English).
Our official YouTube channel is Wikimania Esino Lario
Mailing lists
- About Wikimania in English: Wikimania mailing list. Wikimania-l is a social list for past and future Wikimaniacs, to discuss Wikimania, share photos and recollections, and plan for the future. Wikimania attendees, presenters and fans are welcome to use this list to discuss what they will.
- About Wikimania in Esino Lario in Italian. Mailing list of Wikimania in Esino Lario designed for volunteers and people involved in the organization of the event, it is now a general mailing list about Wikimania Esino Lario in Italian.