User digest/What the Wikimedia Foundation does

User Digest Title: What the Wikimedia Foundation does
Date: June 26, 2016
Time: 10:30
Venue:Gym Palace (map)
Presenter: Tilman Bayer
Biography of Presenter: Tilman has been a Wikipedia volunteer since 2003 and has been working for the Wikimedia Foundation since 2011, currently as an analyst in the Reading vertical [one of the terms which will be explained in this talk ;) ]. From 2011 to 2015, he edited and published the Foundation's regular (quarterly, formerly monthly) activity reports, and in 2014 compiled a comprehensive overview of all teams' routine work areas (published as part of the 2014/15 annual plan). From 2010 to 2011, he was editor-in-chief of the "Signpost", the English Wikipedia's weekly newsletter.
Overview of topic: This talk will give a short overview over the Wikimedia Foundation as an organization, describing what it does today. The focus will be on explaining its work, role and structure in concrete terms, rather than larger-scale vision and strategy. The presentation won't assume prior knowledge, but will be especially suitable for Wikimedians who may already have heard and read a lot about individual activities and work areas of the Wikimedia Foundation, but would like a clearer picture of the organization’s structure and activities overall.
Supporting material: