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Critical issues presentations/Why Student Organization Is Important and How We Support Them?

From Wikimania 2016 • Esino Lario, Italy
Submission no. 192
Title of the submission

Why Student Organization Is Important and How We Support Them?

Author of the submission
  • Addis Wang
Country of origin



Governance, Outreach, Projects

  • Strategy
  • Education
  • Organization
  • Psychology
  • Community Governance

There are five major points show why student organization is important.

1. Student Organization can provide various assistances to Wiki Education Program, and improve the conversion rate (student continue editing after the program).

2. Students are usually passionate to conduct activities which can maintain the community health. And these experience will lead them become good community leaders in the future.

3. Most universities provide various support to student organizations, which make the start-up easier and less risky.

4. Students have many kind of big incentives to coordinate or participant student organizations.

5. Student Organization benefits the local community, and it will create a sustainable community.

I will discuss the psychological and sociological idea behind these point to illustrate the why these five points are uniquely make student organization importance to the Wikimedia Movement.

In order to succeed, student organizations need supports, as most students don't have enough experience. I will share what kind of support does student organization need, and how can the community and Wikimedia Foundation help on that. Also, I will discuss the governance within the Student Organizations, and how does it differ or similar with other Wikimedia Communities and organizations.

Case Study:

1. Student clubs of Baidu Baike (the largest Chinese Online encyclopedia, owned by the largest Chinese Internet Company)

2. Global Wikimedia student clubs or activities.


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