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Critical issues presentations/The benefits of enabling editing of Wikidata on Wikipedia and how to make it happen

From Wikimania 2016 • Esino Lario, Italy
Submission no. 60
Title of the submission

The benefits of enabling editing of Wikidata on Wikipedia and how to make it happen

Author of the submission
  • Charlene Kritschmar
  • Lucie Kaffee
Country of origin

Germany; Germany


Projects, Research

  • Wikidata
  • Wikipedia
  • VisualEditor
  • UCD
  • Usability

Currently, Wikidata data can be included in Wikimedia projects, but the process of inserting and editing is neither intuitive nor user friendly.

Fixing this issue would result in more use and thus help increase the quality and consistency of the data.

The new approach has to be implemented in an easily understandable way so that editors know exactly what they are editing, even if they don't have a deep knowledge of Wikidata and how it works. Furthermore there are certain aspects to consider, such as editing data on Wikipedia actually means adding data to Wikidata and changing the rank of a value rather then overwriting the existing information. this and many other problems are faced when trying to come up with a user-friendly solution.

To tackle this problem a user-centered design approach was chosen. We conducted surveys on which, amongst other things based our personas. We constructed context scenarios from which we derived our prototypes. After further testing we are happy to present to you the final concept today.

If this proposal is fully implemented it could change the way infoboxes in Wikipedia are generated and filled and would significantly benefit both communities. Furthermore, the concept could be applied to other wikis and third party platforms that would like to integrate Wikidata.


Not accepted