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Critical issues presentations/Reinforcing skills and competences of board members. The international board training program in perspective.

From Wikimania 2016 • Esino Lario, Italy
Submission no. 128
Title of the submission

Reinforcing skills and competences of board members. The international board training program in perspective.

Author of the submission
  • Frans Grijzenhout
  • Tim Moritz Hector
Country of origin

Netherlands; Germany



  • Board member
  • Training
  • Skills
  • Competences


- Present and share the results of the 3rd international board member training, held in Berlin in the days before the Wikimedia Conference 2016.

- Discuss the framework for a 4th training: scope, targets, organizational issues and bring together new volunteers to prepare and organize it.


In 2014 two board trainings were held in London. There were sessions about the principles on governance, the role of the board, and strategic planning and evaluation.

The focus of the third training in Berlin was on grant processes, relation board – staff and other issues that pose obstacles for good board performance and growth. The training was directly aimed at new board members elected at affiliates with staff or an ED, where the board is a governing body and not a managing or operational board.

The narrowed focus of this 3rd board training has also a disadvantage. Affiliates without formal legal structure, without staff / ED and without a board as governing body were more or less excluded.

During this session we would preferably find out whether there is a common ground for a continuation of the board training program. Are there subjects that need to be addressed? Are there specific target groups that need support? Should a next board training explicitly be targeted to affiliates without staff? Should more operational and tactical issues be inserted in the training and / or should the training be aimed at developing individual skills?

Next to these primary questions we also like to raise the issue of organizing a training and how to document the training.

Hopefully we can lay today the foundation of a new series of board member trainings and create a tangible start for the 4th international board member training.


Not accepted