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Critical issues presentations/Humans or Machines - The future of the encyclopedia

From Wikimania 2016 • Esino Lario, Italy
Submission no. 199
Title of the submission

Humans or Machines - The future of the encyclopedia

Author of the submission
  • Jens Best
  • Jochen Lindenfeld
Country of origin

Germany; Germany


Governance, Outreach, Policy

  • human based encyclopedia
  • future of Wikipedia
  • promotion of cooperation

Wikipedia is an encylopedia. Written by humans to be read by humans. Bots, Algorithms, Databases etc. are used to support the idea of spreading well edited informations to increas knowledge by sharing.

Winning new editors is much more complicatesd than following a path of putting more tech stuff into the success equation of Wikipedia.

We have to start a constructive, open and editor-friendly debate about the future of Wikipedia in all its languages.

Winning new institutions (GLAM etc.) as partners is good. Sharing the idea of Free Knowledge is good, but the kernel of the movement is the encyclopedia Wikipedia. It's not only a Question/Answer-machine written (mostly) by humans. This debate should be widely let in the movement.

The Talk will present different reasonable starting points to include actual, future and hopefully some former editors of the Wikipedia.


Not accepted