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Critical issues presentations/How to make Wikimania more effective?

From Wikimania 2016 • Esino Lario, Italy
Submission no. 209
Title of the submission

How to make Wikimania more effective?

Author of the submission
  • Mykola Prykhodko
Country of origin



other, Outreach, Policy

  • Wikimania
  • more effective
  • sharing of knowledge
  • media-support

The goal of Wikimania is sharing of knowledge between wikipedians. We have two problems: first is complicated visiting of this great meeting and second is low effect of sharing of knowledge, obtained on Wikimania.

Yes, we have multi-World. Different opportunities to travel (even getting visa!) in rich and poor countries. We have different opportunities in using international language (English at first). And we have so different opportunities in sharing of knowledge from Wikimania. By the way - can we make some little videos from Wikimania on YouTube for that our friend, who cann't to visit it?

May be we need more media-support in TV and other public media for demonstrate effect of Wikimania?


Not accepted