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Critical issues presentations/How to help the new volunteers to join in the local wikipedia community?

From Wikimania 2016 • Esino Lario, Italy
Submission no. 138
Title of the submission

How to help the new volunteers to join in the local wikipedia community?

Author of the submission
  • Liang-Chih Shang Kuan
Country of origin



Outreach, Projects

  • community building
  • volunteer recruitment
  • volunteer retention

In December, 2015, Wikipedia Taiwan held recruitment in ten medical schools around Taiwan. There were so many people from different professions trying to devote themselves in community, helping us to translate/write articles in Wikipedia. But after they joined our community, some of the new volunteers turn to be silent without any feedback.

We would like to know how to dig out the root cause of their leavings or stagnations and how to keep encouraging those new volunteers getting involved in an efficient way?


Not accepted